Phone: (410) 546-1551 | ReStore: (410) 749-6325

Homes, Communities, Hope, and YOU



This moment in our lives has forced each of us to reflect on the fundamental importance of home — of having safe, decent and affordable shelter.

At the same time, in locations around the world, everyone is looking for ways to bring light and hope to these challenging times. We are never more human than when we come together in an hour of need.

Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County has lived these truths every day for more than 30 years. Together, we have accomplished so much. Now your support is more critical than ever.

Our neighbors and our communities have been hit hard by the economic shocks of COVID-19. Our community already was experiencing a housing crisis. COVID-19 has revealed its extent — and added to its urgency.

Everyone has been affected by the global public health crisis and the accompanying economic shocks of COVID-19.

This is an unprecedented moment where every one of us has been forced to deeply consider the fundamental importance of home — of having safe, decent and affordable shelter.

Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County has lived these truths every day for over 32 years. Together, we have accomplished so much. And now we need your help more than ever.

 “Nearly 1/3 of Americans aren’t confident they’ll be able to keep a roof over their heads if a recession hits.”— CNBC

Think of it: Millions of families already struggling with unhealthy living conditions, lack of access to clean water and the financial impossibilities of unaffordable rent. Now joined by millions more who have lost income as businesses have closed and workers have lost jobs.

The need of our neighbors has never been more pronounced.

They need us to help them build back. And, with your support, Habitat for Humanity stands ready to stand alongside these families. And not just stand, but build.

Build security and stability. Build back the economy. Reconnect communities. Create hope.

Homes. Communities. Hope. And YOU. This is how we will succeed.


Donation Progress

Donation Progress Chart


Measurement Value
Goal Amount $5,000.00
Raised Amount $179.86
Total # of Donations 3
Average Donation Value $59.95

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

If you prefer to donate via mail, please make your check payable to:


and mailing address to:

908 W. Isabella Street

Salisbury, MD 21801

Thank you for donating to Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County. Your support is helping to ensure that families here in our community have decent, affordable places to call home.

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